Member Health Agreement Declaration

You warrant, declare and acknowledge that:

  1. The information given by you in entering this agreement is correct and will be relied upon by us.

  2. Our staff, agents and subcontractors are not medically trained and should you have any concerns with your health and fitness you should seek independent medical advice before engaging in any physical activity on our premises.

  3. To the best of your knowledge and belief you are in good health and not knowingly incapable of engaging in either active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to your health, safety, comfort, well being or physical condition. Further, that you will advise us immediately should your health or vulnerability to injury change.

  4. You have read and understood this agreement and all of its the Terms and Conditions before accepting them below.

  5. This agreement will become binding upon both parties once you have checked the "I confirm that I have read and agree to High Achievers Member Health Agreement" box and the "Continue to CONFIRM PAYMENT" button has been clicked.

You are primarily responsible for your health and wellbeing, but we are concerned that you enjoy our facilities safely. To that end we consider that we should expect the following of each other.

From us:

  1. Whilst we will respect your decision over your training regime we reserve the right to ask you not to exercise beyond what we reasonably believe to be your personal ability.

  2. We shall endeavour to maintain a safe environment for you to enjoy your exercise.

  3. We shall endeavour to ensure that our fitness trainers and staff are qualified to fitness industry standards.

  4. We shall at all times keep confidential any information that you give us regarding your health.