Youth Terms of Service
These terms govern the relationship between you and us, High Achievers Lab (hereafter referred to as ‘The Lab’, ‘Us’, ‘We’, ‘Our’), for the provision of fitness club services to you, your use of these services at The Lab.
We have an absolute discretion over whether to enter into this contract and to accept your application for membership of The Lab. If your application for the free membership is accepted, membership will start after the completion of the forms and will continue for 12 months. On acceptance, you will have created an online profile. Entry to The Lab is gained only on if a profile is completed and registration for the session has been made. This contract constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to its subject matter and replaces and supersedes all prior oral and written agreements, understandings, representations and correspondence regarding such subject matter.
You must be at least 16 years old to sign up to this contract.
Youth membership do not allow you to use all of The Lab services and facilities. You will only be granted entry to The Lab after completion your registration form.
As a member you agree to comply with the rules of membership and relate to use of the facilities and your conduct. We may (unless stated elsewhere in this agreement) make reasonable changes to these rules at any time provided we give you advance notice of the changes.
Your Youth Membership is free of charge.
In order to gain access to The Lab, Youth Members will have to register every time they want to attend the dedicated sessions.
Your Youth Membership will cease automatically, regardless expiry date, when you turn 18 years old.
Your membership will continue for the length of your package until its expiry date or terminated by us within that period in accordance with the following clauses.
We may end this contract at any time and without notice:
I. If you commit a serious or repeated breach of this contract or The Lab’s rules of membership.
Il. If you provide us with details which are false when applying for membership and the false declaration would have reasonably affected our decision to grant you membership.
Your membership will be cancelled automatically once you turn 18 years old.
Once membership has ended, you will no longer be entitled to access the youth sessions.
Your Youth Membership is personal to you and you must not give your membership details to anyone or permit it to be used by anyone other than you. The breach of this clause incurs the summary cancellation of your membership.
Details of the youth provision are displayed on our website. We may sometimes need to change timing or accessibility. If we need to do this we will, where reasonably possible, notifying you of the change at least one week beforehand.
It may happen that, through circumstances beyond our control, we will be unable to provide our full range of services. This may be, for example, because of temporary closure of the premises due to fire or flood damage. We will do all we can to restore our services as soon as possible.
Data Protection Notice
We take the privacy of our members seriously. This statement explains the ways in which we use your personal information. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to our processing please contact us on 07943 859917.
Information Collected: We collect personal information from you through the membership form and your use of our facilities. The information we collect may relate to your physical health or condition.
Use of information: We use your personal information for the purposes of providing and personalising our membership services and providing you with information about products and services offered by us or our business partners and third parties.